Rainy Musts

The weather lately has forced me to lay in bed longer and be completely lazy with no desire of stepping outside into the cold rain. I lay there until finally getting dragged out of bed to sit and enjoy a warm latte, where I can sit and watch the rain fall. Each time it rains … Continue reading

Rain Rain

top & jacket, juicy couture; leggings, lacoste; bag, botkier; flats, redfoot shoes shopping on Serrano St, Madrid For the past three days the only thing I wanted to do was curl up in my bed with my dog and watch re-runs of my favorite television shows. While laying in bed, hearing the rain against my … Continue reading

The rain in Spain

jacket & cardigan, j.crew; dress, pepe jeans london; tights, unknown; rain boots, hunter; umbrella, massimo dutti men I now understand the expression “when it rains it pours.” For the past couple of days Madrid has seen pouring rain and there is no stopping! (not even for a quick coffee trip or errands) So, the best … Continue reading

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